With thousands of listings to maintain, we rely on the kindness of website visitors such as yourself to keep our information up to date.

Please let us know if you spot a factual mistake in any of our listings (e.g. a phone number has changed, or a company has moved or gone out of business).

If you know of a Cambridge-based business, organisation or amenity that's not yet listed on this site, it will generally qualify for a free basic listing if it meets the following 3 simple criteria:-

  1. It has its own website
  2. It is based in Cambridge or one of the surrounding villages nearby (Grantchester, Coton, Girton, Bar Hill, Milton, Stow Cum Quy, Fulbourn, Great Shelford etc.) i.e. in postcodes CB1-CB5 or CB21-CB25
  3. What it offers is somehow related to Cambridge. Most businesses are fine, but for example a web retailer that sells to anyone anywhere in the UK would not qualify since it's immaterial that they happen to be based in Cambridge.

Remember, it doesn't have to be your own business! You can also tell us about a service you regularly use, or a shop you like to visit. If they're not already listed, and if they meet the criteria outlined above, we'd love to hear about them!

Please email the URL you'd like us to consider to send.feedback@cambridgeuk.co.uk along with any additional information that might make adding or updating the entry easier.

Thank you for your help.

Edwin Hayward (webmaster and admin)

TIP: If you need a website for your business, or you feel it's time to rebuild your existing website, why not speak to our web design partners at Digital Spoke?

IMPORTANT: This site is unable to intervene in disputes with any of the companies listed on CambridgeUK.co.uk.